Adoption, Appearance, Family Planning, Huntington Disease, Infertility, Mental Health, Positive Living
I will be answering 20 questions about Huntington’s disease at a virtual education event hosted by Help4HD. You can catch me on Saturday March 12 at 1:15 EST. Tickets to the event are free and can be found HERE.
Adoption, Appearance, Family Planning, Huntington Disease, Infertility, Mental Health, Positive Living
I am excited to be speaking on the Testing Positive panel at HDYO’s International Young Adults Congress in March. I will be sharing my experiences with going through genetic testing and speaking about how my gene positive diagnosis impacted my decision to have...
Adoption, Appearance, Family Planning, Huntington Disease, Infertility, Mental Health, Positive Living
I was honoured to be a guest speaker for the Spoken Lives speaker series last night. The theme of the evening was the silver linings of the pandemic. I was so happy to share the story behind my book, All Good Things, and how the pandemic provided the perfect...
Appearance, Family Planning, Huntington Disease, Infertility
I spoke to Jimmy Pollard and the Huntington’s disease (HD) community on New Year’s Eve about my Huntington’s disease story. As a part of the evening participants were invited to make a wish for 2022. Here is my wish… “For anyone who is...