Appearance, Books Reviews, Family Planning, Huntington Disease, Infertility, Mental Health, Positive Living
I am so excited to be attending the HD book club meeting next month hosted by HD Reach. Members of the community are reading the first ten chapters of Huntington’s Disease Heroes and will be discussing the stories that night. I will be at attending virtually....
Family Planning, Featured, Huntington Disease, Infertility, Mental Health, Positive Living
I was so delighted to be interview by fellow HD advocate and columnist for, Carlos Briceno. His story covers how the book Huntington’s Disease Heroes came about and why it is so important to keep sharing stories about the HD...
Huntington Disease, Positive Living, Uncategorized
I had the pleasure of speaking to Kevin on The Podcast by Kevin MD about the role of being a caregiver as someone who is gene positve for Huntingtington’s disease, caregiver burnout and speaking to kids about medical issues. The episode will be released in a few...
Article, Family Planning, Huntington Disease, Mental Health, Positive Living
These days as my father’s Huntington’s disease progresses and I take on more and more, I have learned how quickly being a caregiver can consume my life. Yes, he is still living two hours away and I don’t take care of his day-to-day needs, but I do everything else for...
Huntington Disease, Mental Health, Podcast, Positive Living
The support for my new collaborative book (Huntington’s Disease Heroes) has been amazing. I was so fortunate to be able to speak about it on an episode of We Have a Voice with host Kevin Jess. Listen Here
Family Planning, Huntington Disease, Mental Health, Podcast, Positive Living
My new book – Huntington’s Disease Heroes – was recently released and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to speak about it on Help4HD Live. I spoke with host Lauren Holder about how the book came about, the amazing people who shared their stories...